Ways to Improve Customer Service (For the Win)

girl happy at work

Ways to Improve Customer Service World-class customer care is a necessity when it comes to running a successful business. In order to keep the customers happy and coming back, the business must first meet every customer’s individual needs. Customers come from all parts of the world and must meet the different requirements of each individual […]

[8 Tips] How can you tell if a customer is happy?

Lady shopping

8 Tips – How can you tell if a customer is satisfied? To all of our fellow customer service employees out there… It’s probably no surprise to hear that some people are more expressive than others. So how do you know when someone is truly satisfied with the result of a customer service call? From […]

Social Media and Customer Service go Hand in Hand

Social media and customer service go hand in hand

Social Media and Customer Service go Hand in Hand Pretend that you get a new idea to take up horseback riding with your daughter. After several minutes of researching quality training facilities in the area, you find one just outside of the city with only regular weekday hours. With no high expectations to hear from […]

Building Processes Around Our Customers’ Needs

two hands and a smiley face stickie note being passed between the hands

Building Processes Around Our Customers’ Needs An important lesson we have learned over the years of having a successful customer service call center is to listen to our customers. You probably hear that all of the time in the customer service world, but at EMS we take it to the next level by building our […]

5 Tips for Being More Positive at Work

Employees clapping hands at work

5 Tips for Being More Positive at Work At EMS, we pride ourselves on respect, dignity, honesty, fairness, innovation, and improvement. Attitude is everything. So how do you maintain a positive attitude at work? Studies have shown that being in a negative mood is actually bad for our health and can be harmful to our […]

10 Compelling Customer Service Statistics

papers with fake stats on them

10 Compelling Customer Service Statistics If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times: great customer service is absolutely essential for success in your business. It’s safe to say that nobody will argue with that statement, but that begs the question- why are people still receiving sub-par customer service? Though there are many variables a […]

Excellent Customer Care: The Foundation of Brand Loyalty

customer retention sign on a board

Excellent Customer Care: The Foundation of Brand Loyalty “You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer service culture can’t be copied.” -Jerry Fritz, customer experience speaker and author.   Brand loyalty. It’s the lofty pie-in-the-sky goal most businesses aspire to. But have you stopped to […]

Why a USA-Based Call Center is the Best

call center headphones near computer

Why a USA-Based Call Center is the Best 20 years ago, it was common practice for large companies to outsource their customer service call centers to countries like India and the Philippines to cut costs. Recent years have seen a direct reversal of that trend, though, as many large U.S. companies are choosing to bring […]

What is it Like to Work with EMS for Call Center Services?

help is here in block letters

What is it Like to Work with EMS for Call Center Services? When searching for a new business to work with – an expert to help you with call center services – what qualities draw you in? Is it a feeling you get, or a sense of reliability you feel? With over 20 years in […]